Bargaining Session 14

Representatives of the University met with representatives of the CPW-UAW Union for their fourteenth bargaining session.

June 30, 2023

On June 30, 2023, representatives of the University met with representatives of the CPW-UAW Union for their fourteenth bargaining session.

The University presented a Revised Complete Offer of Settlement for the Union’s consideration with an increased Compensation proposal and increased hardship support fund as well as other modifications to address concerns raised with respect to postdoctoral fellows and international employees.

Despite the expiration of the current contract as of June 30, the Union asked to end the session in the early evening and resume bargaining when their members returned from planned time away for the July 4th holiday. The Union proposed and the University agreed to maintain the status quo while the parties continue bargaining for a new agreement.

The next bargaining session will be held on July 18, 2023.