Bargaining Session 8

Representatives of the University met with representatives of the CPW-UAW Union for their eighth bargaining session.

May 31, 2023

On May 31, 2023, representatives of the University met with representatives of the CPW-UAW Union for their eighth bargaining session.

The Union presented counterproposals on International Employees, Union Access, Union Dues, and Vacations.  The parties discussed the counterproposals. The University presented a revised comprehensive set of non-economic proposals incorporating changes based on the discussion.  In addition, the University proposed changes to Grievance and Arbitrationconsistent with the parties' discussions regarding the arbitration panel.  The Union presented counterproposals on Discipline and Discharge and Workspace and Materials.  The parties discussed the proposals. The parties reached a tentative agreement on Holidays.

The parties agreed to add a bargaining session on June 8, 2023, to their schedule.